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Old Boots single

The second single of our album ‘Firestone’

Bad Tattoo single

The first single of our album ‘Firestone’

Never Run Out single

This is a 1930’s home movie of two girls going on a trip, thank you Prelinger Archives!

Sing Low Live-recording

a live version of our song ‘Sing Low’

Live on NPO radio 5 @de MAX!

Live on NPO radio 2 @avrotros muziekcafé

A Love Brand New

The title song and first single of our new album ‘A Love Brand New’

40 Days

A song from the album  ‘All Is Waiting’
This 1957 Russian animation fits beautifully with the song

Hitchhike Overdrive

The second single from the album  ‘All Is Waiting’

The Long Way Round

The first single from the album  ‘All Is Waiting’
We made the video ourselves, it took three days and 1030 photo’s…

Money In our Pockets ~ Live

A song from the album ‘The Life You Never Planned On’
Played live in the studio.

The Long Way Round

Live on radio 3FM.

One Weekend With…

A film crew followed us around for a couple of days and made this video
of some radio & tv shows and our gig at Paradiso, Amsterdam.

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